The AI-First Sustainable Home Finance Ecosystem

Home Finance products are homogeneous, mortgage rates do not take into consideration the health of our homes, and there are no rewards for more sustainable household choices.

Welcome to the Smartlayer Ecosystem. A holistic Homehealth rating engine, engagement tools, embedded personalised green finance offerings and rewards. All-in-one-place.

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One-Planet. One Integration of Home Finance Data

We are on a mission to enable the most imaginative green home finance experiences that enable high-value, capital, energy and CO2 efficient homes.

Our aim is to foster green finance innovation through our ecosystem with companies that demonstrate a commitment to mobilising data.

The AI-Enabled HomeHealth Score

Our Enterprise SaaS based HomeHealth tool leverages behavioural finance, AI and gamification to inspire households to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. The HomeHealth Score is a scientifically calculated number from 0 to 1,000. It’s based on a range of dynamic parameters including EPC ratings, Open Banking data, Energy consumption, household behaviour, hybrid-working, e-mobility, willingness to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and the power of community.

Coming soon (2024)
HomeHealth Score BASIC
Mortgages costs
Property surveyor report
EPC rating
Climate factors
Occupant financial and credit health
Benchmarking vs cohort
Coming soon (2024)
HomeHealth Score PLUS
Benchmarked against similar homes
Open Banking (5-year home bills)
User enabled expense classification
Smart meter data (user opted)
Home questionnaire
Coming in 2025
HomeHealth Score PRIME
IOT device data streaming (theft, fire, damp, leakage) — data streaming & trading directly with the Households
Broad range of 3rd party datasets

Open Home Finance Plug & Play APIs

Home Finance Data

The Smartlayer HomeHealth Score, akin to a consumer credit score, aligns Bank, Energy, and Household incentives. Unified data lens — Unified Actions. Households, facing the cost of living and energy crisis, are being asked to upgrade homes. For the Banks and Energy companies, Household engagement is critical to delivering a low-carbon, cost-effective sustainable future.

Smartlayer Home Finance Ecosystem

The HomeHealth Score, linked via APIs to Banks and Energy companies, would enable a trust and fair rates based data exchange between Households and Enterprises.


75% of existing homes need a retrofit to become net zero and save money on energy bills. The typical mortgage is over 20-25 years and rate shopping is the norm. For the Banks, the Smartlayer HomeHealth Score would enable Banks to build a differentiated, low-churn, lower LTV, more profitable and more loyal mortgage book. For the Energy companies, the HomeHealth Score would accelerate an affordability-led zero-bills homes transition. Wallet-sensitive solutions.

HomeHealth Score

Empowering homeowners to profit from data from their homes. A trust and fair-rates based data exchange, between the Banks, the Energy companies and the British households.

Coming soon
Homehealth Score

Key to understanding household health, risks, and opportunities.

Understand your home's true health
Identify associated risks and opportunities
Receive personalized recommendations to increase home value
Reduce your environmental impact
Coming in 2024-2025
Product roadmap
Total-Cost-of-Home Ownership (richer / real-time data sets including Open Banking)
Household real-time affordability profile (richer / real-time data sets including Open Banking)
Household-energy profiling (buildings, heating / cooling, smart appliances)
Energy usage and spend gamification and green rewards
Total-cost-of-home ownership cost optimisation (Portfolio Cost, Energy and CO2 optimisation)
HomeHealth Score — Enable the Banks and the Energy companies to offer value-add concierge services
HomeHealth Score — Auto-home expense renewal services at bulk rates, including one-click re-mortgaging


In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, home ownership, and
insurance, our platform paves the way for transformative change.


AI enabled trusted advisor - HomeHealth Score — helping households pay off their largest debt, by optimising the cost of home-ownership.

AI enabled sustainable homes — Differentiated green products, to households across income levels and community types.

One-stop-shopping experiences and integrated journeys — Households sharing home data, offered value add services e.g. renew wifi, Netflix, Sky Tv, one-click re-mortgaging.


Affordability-led one-click decisions — The HomeHealth Score would enable energy companies to understand household affordability constraints, available grants/financing and one-click-preferred rate upgrades.

Energy usage gamification and rewards — Usage, spend, and rewards experiences in one-place.

Hyper-personalisation — Targeted solutions that suit each individual home and occupant.


Tax credits for CO2 efficient homes — The HomeHealth Score, as a dynamic tool, can be used by the Government to offer tax credits to CO2 efficient homes.

Holistic HomeHealth Score — Full set of data (structural, IoT, Appliances, e-mobility etc) to properly measure household CO2 footprints, by location.

Our Partners

Partnerships are fundamental to our mission, embodying professionalism and trustworthiness.

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Arise Health logo
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